Prince Edward Island Cannabis Retail Licence

PEI Cannabis License Permissions and Requirements

Prince Edward Island (PEI) is the smallest province in terms of land area and population, but the most densely populated.

Premier: Dennis King
Population: 156,947 (2019) StatCan
Minimum wage: $12.85 CAD per hour (2020)
Private Retail Stores: Not Permitted
Cannabis Retail Store Count: 4
Store Regulator: PEI Cannabis
Insurance Requirements: There are no minimum insurance requirements specified at this time.


PEI Cannabis License Opportunities

There are currently no opportunities for private retailers in Prince Edward Island (PEI), as all cannabis outlets and online sales are authorized and regulated by the government-owned Prince Edward Island Cannabis Management Corporation (PEICMC), which operates under the branded name PEI Cannabis.

There are currently four publicly-owned cannabis retail stores in PEI, whose locations were chosen based on population and accessibility. Depending on sales, it is expected that new PEI Cannabis retail locations will open up in the near future.

The four locations are:

  • Charlottetown
  • Montague
  • O’Leary
  • Summerside

There are currently no plans for PEI to move to a private retail model. However, if that happens in the future, CannDelta will be here to help!

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