
British Columbia

Cannabis Retail in British Columbia

After a slow rollout, the British Columbia cannabis retail industry has experienced tremendous growth, with nearly 500 licenced cannabis retail stores now open for business. The cannabis retail market in British Columbia operates under a hybrid private/public system. The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) is responsible for issuing cannabis retail store licences and regulating the activities of licensed operators, while the Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) oversees the wholesale distribution of recreational cannabis products and the operation of government-run retail stores. The hybrid system gives adults 19 years of age and older flexibility in purchasing legal cannabis, whether from licenced private retailers, government-run stores, or the British Columbia government-run online store. Prospective applicants must own, lease, or have an agreement for a retail space before submitting an application. The LCRB requires each applicant to undergo extensive security screening and to disclose detailed personal and financial information.

Overview of British Columbia cannabis retail regulations.

Cannabis Retail Store Licence

With a cannabis retail licence, BC residents can open a dispensary that sells cannabis and cannabis products into BC’s recreational cannabis market. All products sold must be federally approved and comply with British Columbia cannabis regulations.


Before you apply for a cannabis retail store licence, make sure you meet all of the basic eligibility requirements.

  • Must be 19 years of age or older.
  • You have a standalone business structured as a sole proprietorship, private corporation, partnership, public corporation, society or non-profit corporation, Indigenous Nation, or extra-provincial company registered in BC.
  • You are prohibited from starting a dispensary if you are already a federal cannabis producer.
  • Cannot own or have valid interest in more than eight retail cannabis dispensaries.

Anyone fitting this criteria can apply for a cannabis retail licence, regardless of whether they are a citizen in BC or not. If you are already a dispensary owner in BC, you must apply for a new licence for any and every new store location. 

Application Overview

Here’s what you will need to apply:

  • BCeID login credentials.
  • Your business number (a 9-digit number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency)  Your store location.
  • The Parcel Identifier (PID) of your property.
  • The name of your store (refer to step 4 for store name)

Details about the applicant and associates, including:

  • Partners.
  • Shareholders (both direct and indirect).
  • Directors.
  • Information about any licences held or applied for by your associates.
  • Information about other licences you currently hold or are applying for.
  • Consent for security screening and financial integrity checks.
  • A declaration of any financial, business, or family ties to federally licenced cannabis producers, retail licence holders, or applicants for retail licences.

Approval from Local Government or Indigenous Nation

Before starting a dispensary in BC, check the local government/Indigenous Nation’s status on cannabis retail dispensaries. 

A local government may be a municipality, a regional district, or a local trust committee for a local trust area under the Islands Trust Act.

The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) will notify the local government/Indigenous Nation of the application, and the local government will either accept the application for consideration, or deny it. The LCRB must have a positive recommendation from your local government or the Indigenous nation where the store’s location is proposed to be located. 

If the local government/Indigenous Nation does not accept the application for consideration, the application fee paid by the applicant will be refunded. However, if the local government/Indigenous Nation does accept the application for review and the licecse is not issued, the application fee will not be refunded. 

Local Governments and Indigenous nations can enforce rules and bylaws limiting store hours, signage requirements, or any other reasonable conditions.

Applicant Assessment

If the application is accepted for consideration, the LCRB conducts a security screening and financial integrity checks. Cannabis retail licences can be suspended, canceled, or require transfer if a licence holder is convicted of an offence involving cannabis store operations.

Local Governments and Indigenous Nations can charge an applicant additional fees for assessing their application.

Store Location Requirements

Before a retail cannabis licence can be issued, the applicant will need to have control of a compliant property through ownership or a lease. All cannabis retail stores in BC need to be within a brick-and-mortar, permanent building or structures and they can not be co-located with another business.

Cannabis retail store applications require the following information regarding location.

Property Ownership, Lease, and Address Requirements

Applicants must propose a location, and acquire ownership or a lease agreement before their cannabis licence in BC can be issued. As a result, the application must feature:

  • Ownership of the property.
  • A Lease for the property.
  • Have an agreement to purchase or lease the property.
  • Have a different property arrangement in place, such as a sublease.

If the applicant does not have ownership or a lease for the property, they must get it before they can receive a cannabis retail store licence.

A lease agreement must be in place for at least one year from the time the licence is received.

Street Address

The proposed street address cannot be changed after the application is submitted. Remember that local governments and Indigenous Nations might have additional requirements for location. Check your local governments requirements for proximity requirements including distance from schools, playgrounds, daycares, recreation centres, and more.

If applicable, applications must feature the suite/apartment number of the location, and a postal code.

Parcel Identifier (PID)

The PID is a nine-digit number or legal description of the property. PID’s can be located on the property’s

  • Lease.
  • Municipal tax notice.
  • BC Assessment’s e-value website.
  • Tax assessment notice from BC Assessment.
  • BC Land Title and Survey Authority.
  • Title to the property

Application Documents, Plans, & Procedures

The Cannabis Retail Store application can be completed and submitted online through the Liquor and cannabis Licensing Portal.

There are a number of documents, plans, and procedures that need to be featured in your application.

Business Financial Integrity Form

The business financial integrity form can be downloaded from the government of BC website. This form will require the names of all shareholders, financial, tax, funding, and debt information.

Store Details & Business Information

Applications must feature a variety of plans and procedures, including the:

  • Floor plan
  • Site plan
  • Photos of store from the outside
  • Proposed name of store.
  • Proposed signage
  • Storage details

    You must establish a business and submit the appropriate documents related to that business type. Each business type has different requirements which can be found here.

Consent for Cannabis Screening Form

Applicants and any associates (directors, shareholders, partners, etc.) must complete a Consent for Cannabis Screening form which requires:

  • Personal information
  • Application number from LCRB
  • Proposed location address
  • Current mailing address
  • Any places applicants/associates have lived outside of BC at any point in the last five years
  • Documentation for security and financial integrity checks

Application & Licensing Fees

Application fees are non-refundable unless the application was submitted accidentally or exceptional circumstances that are out of the applicants control. Refund requests must be sent to the LCRB, and the final result of the request is determined by the LCRB.

Application fee: $7,500

First-year licensing fee:

Annual renewal fee: $1,500

Post-licensing Next Steps

Before you schedule your final review, make sure you have all of your physical security installed. Your store will need:

  • An audible intruder alarm
  • An audible fire alarm
  • Display cases that lock
  • Storage room that locks
  • Security cameras covering all areas of interest

Schedule your inspection

Before you can open your store to the public, you need to schedule and pass an inspection with the LCRB. This inspection must take place when you believe your store is ready to open. However, there cannot be any cannabis items already in the store. The inspection will be focused on various key components including:

  • Floor plan matches what was proposed in the application
  • Store address
  • Signage
  • Review of terms, conditions, and compliance.

Sell It Right Training

Before you can open your doors, you must complete the mandatory Selling It Right training. This is a training certification that licencees and employees must complete in order to sell cannabis. Check your local government or Indigenous Nation’s requirements to see if any further business licence actions (including additional training) need to be taken to ensure compliance.

Ordering Cannabis Products & Monthly Reporting

Once your inspection is complete and you are authorized to open your dispensary, you will need to make your first product order. This order must be purchased from the Liquor Distribution Branch.

This will require the licencee to register with the Liquor Distribution Branch. Click here for more information.

Once you begin operating, all monthly sales will need to be reported to the LCRB. Learn more here.

Why Choose CannDelta?

Partnering with CannDelta gives you access to a dedicated team of cannabis consultants focused on your success. Our extensive experience across North America provides us with unique insights into the evolving cannabis industry. Our team are experts in the local regulatory landscape, equipped with all the tools needed to help you get a cannabis licence in BC and launch your successful cannabis business. Call CannDelta today for premier cannabis consulting in British Columbia!

Here’s what we offer

BC Cannabis Licence Applications

Enter the cannabis market confidently. We provide comprehensive support in preparing, submitting, and monitoring your licence application to ensure compliance and competitiveness. 

Business Plan Development:

Build a strong foundation for your cannabis business with our business plans that meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainable growth.

Operational Plans and Procedures:

Our cannabis consultant team creates detailed operational plans that comply with British Columbia cannabis regulations, as well as local government, and Indigenous Nation regulations.

Zoning Support & Site Audits:

CannDelta provides zoning and location support, verifying that your site is compliant and suitable for a cannabis business that will pass all site audits.


Stay proactive with our detailed site audits that identify issues and offer solutions to maintain compliance and operational efficiency. We’ll provide insights to enhance your operations, increase efficiency, and ensure compliance.

Marketing Package:

Make your brand shine! We help develop your brand and craft marketing strategies to establish your presence in BC’s emerging cannabis market.

Employee Staffing and Training Plan:

Through strategic hiring and tailored training programs, we prepare your team to thrive in the cannabis industry.

For cannabis consulting in British Columbia, fill out the form below to connect with our team today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Cannabis is legal for consumption and sale in British Columbia. The British Columbia dispensary laws state that anyone ages 19 or older can purchase cannabis for recreational consumption if they provide valid government issued photo ID. Individuals 19 and older can also grow up to four cannabis plants per household.

You can start a cannabis dispensary in British Columbia by submitting a complete and comprehensive cannabis retail store application. The applications are reviewed and given a score that determines whether they are accepted. Starting a dispensary in BC also requires the occupancy or agreement of occupancy of a compliant brick-and-mortar storefront.

British Columbia dispensary laws found in the federal Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations enforce strict rules regarding the promotion and advertising of cannabis, cannabis accessories, and cannabis-related services. These regulations prohibit advertising and promotions in locations where minors are or may be present. Only individuals holding a marketing license or a cannabis store license/authorization can promote and sell cannabis to adults aged 19 and over in British Columbia.

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